First of all, thank you to all our faithful volunteers and individual donors: without your help and support, none of our work in Cambodia would have been possible.
Philippe Baumann, integratio Zurich for the maintenance of our website
Urs Draeger, ikonum Dresden, for the design of our annual reports
Lee Ann Bartran, Sylvain Chabloz, Stéphane Combre, Amy Fellows, Kathleen Hertel, Jenny Holligan, Eric Jakob, Roby Ledermann, Alberto Prieto
Current donors
un généreux donateur conseillé par CARIGEST SA
Clean Water Foundation
Emerald Technology Ventures AG
Fondation Enfants d’ailleurs
Jeannine Hatt Stiftung
Fondation FreiAide
Fondation Hubert Looser
Goutte d’eau Deutschland
Reformierte Kirchgemeine Küssnacht
Schneeberger Maschinen AG, Roggwil
Tauro Stiftung
Ville de Genève